The idea that someone could be addicted to food sounds very unlikely, funny even. However, brain imaging has shown that the same reward and pleasure centres of the brain usually triggered by addictive drugs are also activated by food.  These are especially high palatable foods rich in sugar, fat and salts.

Could it be that people who call themselves ‘foodie’ are possibly food addicts? While food addiction is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), it typically involves binge eating behaviours, cravings, and a lack of control around food (national institute on Drug Abuse).

Well, it isn’t possible to diagnose food addiction with a blood test. However, behavioural symptoms can tell if someone has a food addiction problem and possibly provide the distinction between the two.

The following are possible symptoms of an addiction to food;

  • Gorging in more food than one can physically tolerate.
  • Eating to the point of feeling ill.
  • Going out of your way to obtain certain foods.
  • Cravings for certain foods frequently even if you feel full and have recently finished a nutritious meal.
  • Eating in secret or isolation.
  • Avoiding social interactions, relationships, or functions to spend time eating certain foods.
  • Difficulty function in a career or job due to decreased efficiency.
  • Spending significant amount of money on buying certain foods for bingeing purposes.
  • Decreased energy, chronic fatigue.
  • Difficulty concentrating, restlessness and irritability.
  • Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or oversleeping.
  • Headaches.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Suicidal ideations.

People who exhibit signs of food addiction may also develop a kind of tolerance of food. They eat repeatedly but food satisfies them less and less.

If you or your loved one has been experiencing any of these symptoms, it is pertinent that they seek out professional help immediately to work through these pertinent issues.